Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Day 2

My second day as a working London gal. First day nerves are nearly gone and I'm feeling ready to take on anything they offer me.

Because of the train I have to get so I'm not rushing across London, I'm in Covent Garden about half an hour before I'm due in. After two days and two morning trips to Starbucks it's looking like I will be a regular there for the next two weeks. I'm a caramel coffee frappuccino girl.

This morning I've gone in with a list of boys for Lucy's article, learnt how to use the photocopier, gone through More!'s competitive magazines and got to sit in on the news and feature team's meeting. I felt really lucky to just be asked if I wanted to go. All the girls put in a lot of work and are really on the ball with current trends, celebrity news and current affairs. Not only that but they're funny, warm and open. They make me want to work harder. Being given this opportunity is a big deal, work experience isn't easy to get, so I am even more determined to make the most of it.

This afternoon I went out for an hour with the features intern, Lauren, to find 20 guys to ask the one big question to and no I can't tell you the question, you'll just have to buy the issue next week to find out!  Wrote up the latest competition give away for Street Dance 2, which you can enter by clicking on this link http://www.moremagazine.co.uk/win/view/win-street-dance-2-on-dvd/. I did some twitter stalking of something funny/stupid a male celebrity had said, researched the papers and online for some 'Man Facts' and ended the day by researching Rita Ora.

Things I have learnt today

  •  That approaching men on the street to ask personal questions is hard.Looking for hot guys age 20-30 when all you can see is suited and booted 30-40 somethings, men on their phones and people who just don't want to talk to you is hard. So I have huge respect for the writers who do this on a regular basis. 
  • That a cup of tea will always go down well in the More! office.
  • Maxi dresses and tubes aren't ideal partners. People stand on your dress and there is a constant fear of being caught on the escalator and the dress just ripping off you, leaving you stood there half exposed in a ripped ensemble.  
Nothing embarrassing actually happened to me today, that hasn't happened for a long time! However, someone did sneeze on me on the train. It was gross. Problems of a commuter. 

Today I wore

The dress code for the office is casual, so in a way it's nice to have the pressure of formal office wear taken off, but at the same time I still want to look a little bit dressy. 

I promise I will try and get better quality photos (sorry about that) but my camera died so I had to take these on my phone. Also I'll try and get photos of the outfits actually being worn. I know they're not great but it's still nicer to have visual. 
Maxi dress from New Look 
Denim Jacket from New Look
Belt from Primark
Necklace from Primark
Had a bit of a shop theme running today! 

Anyway so that just about sums up my day, and I've realised I have to be up again in about 6 and a half hours!  I think it is officially bedtime. Night x

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